Enquire about mentoring

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Alice Ho Founder of Personail shares her entrepreneurial journey

Season #1 Episode #12

Personail is an online nail wrap company based in Sunny Sydney, Australia. Personail was started by Alice, a lover of cool design, great nails, and all things nail art.

After quitting a pretty sweet job in design and marketing, Alice started Personail in her parent's lounge room with $700.

Alice was passionate about finding a solution to printing out nail designs using her printer. Needless to say, she injected the printers ink with nail polish and the printer broke down.... and then how her event only business had to transition to online due to covid which has helped her business have exponential growth


Find Alice and Personail:
- Instagram & Tiktok @itspersonail

- Facebook

- Website

Find Natalie on instagram or Tiktok @natlenno

Check out Natalie's accounting firm: